Finland 2024 update

Finland 2024 update

In January 2024, TLC and TLC Nordweld joined forces to collaboratively undertake the construction of a phosphoric acid tank in Finland, emphasizing the comprehensiveness of the project.

TLC Nordweld was responsible for the construction of the phosphoric acid tank, while TLC designed the comprehensive communication routes on the tank and provided the stairs. Our solutions not only facilitated access to the tank but also ensured safety and convenience during its use.


Details of the stairs and platforms:

  • Height of Stairs: 21,224 mm
  • Width of Stairs: 800 mm
  • Step Dimensions: 270x800 mm
  • Handrails: Industrial standard, 1200 mm high on both sides, with a 140 mm high guard.
  • Specification of Steps and Platforms:
    • Steps: 34x38 30x3 with serrated finish
    • Platforms: 34x38 30x3 with serrated finish
  • Zinc Coating: Hot-dip galvanizing according to ISO 1461 HDG, corrosion class C3 for grating.
  • Paint System (EN ISO 12944):
    • Handrails: HDG + RAL 1021 (corrosion class C4)
    • Frames: HDG + RAL 5007 (corrosion class C4)
  • Contrast Marking: Black contrast marking, 100 mm wide, on the first and last step.
  • Usage Category (EN-ISO-14122):
    • Stairs and Platforms: Designed for a load of 2.0 kN/m²
    • Handrails: Designed for a load of 0.3 kN/m

Phosphoric Acid Tank:

  • Diameter: 19 m
  • Height: 18 m, including external overflow pipe, stairs, and platforms
  • Weight: 158 t
  • Material: Duplex stainless steel 1.4462